От издателя Some diehard Batfans have been slow to warm to the animated series Batman Beyond even though it was created by the same team responsible for the excellent Batman cartoon of the early '90s The Darацгбфk Knight should be a brooding avenger in a noir-nightmare Gotham City, the purists argue, not some smart-aleck teen four decades in the future, with jet packs, invisibility shields, and other sci-fi gizmos loaned him by an elderly Bruce Wayne (voiced, excellently as alбжжгзways, by Kevin Conroy, his stony bass given a raspy hint of old age), now confined to hobbling about on a cane and monitoring his protege's activities from the Batcave Between its respectful reexamination of the "tortured hero" mythos and its sleek, anime-inspired look, this feature-length movie should go a long way toward quieting their complaints Of course, it doesn't hurt that they've brought back the most legendary figure in the Rogues Gallery (voiced by Mark Hamill, dбпдюлeliciously deranged), but exactly how and why the Joker has managed to turn up 40 years after his last meeting with Batman still as youthful and diabolical as ever is explained not only logically but terrifyingly as well The secret behind his arrival is perhaps the saddest, grimmest twist any purported "kids' show" has dared to attempt (Parents may well want to preview this tape before screening it for the very young) Once again, Warner Brothers' cartoon Batman has outshone all the live-action films, never allowing the thrilling action set pieces or flashes of wry humor to drown out the drama, even tragedy, of the all-too-human superheroes Режиссер: Курт Геда Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Commentary by the Filmmakers Behind-the-Scenes Documentary Deleted Scenes Animation Tests Music Video "Crash" by Mephisto Odyssey Featuring Static X Animated Character Bios Production Notes Trailers Weblink Режиссер Курт Геда Curt Geda Абсябоктеры (показать всех актеров) Марк Хэмилл (Голос) Mark Hamill Марк Хэмилл родился 25 сентября 1952 года, в Окленде (штат Калифорния) Его отец был капитаном ВМС США, и маленькому Марку пришлось пожить в Виргинии, Нью - Йорке и Японии Дебютировал он, еще будучи студентом Лос - Анджелесского городского колледжа, в Кевин Конрой (Голос) Kevin Conroy Дин Стокуэлл (Голос) Dean Stockwell Robert Dean Stockwell Отец братьев Стокуэллов, Гарри, был певцом и актером, выступавшем так же в клубах и на театральных подмостках (оставившим в истории свой след, или точнее голос, которым говорит Принц из Диснеевской "Белоснежки), а мать - бывшей .